The spouses and the operators will finally have some answers.
The “PROTOCOL” for RECEPTIONS after weddings and all other civil and religious functions (including first communions and confirmations) has finally been validated by the Technical Scientific Committee, explains Stefania Vismara President of Together for the Wedding/insieme per il wedding The confirmation has arrived that there is no limit for the guests, but the number of those who can participate in the party will be determined only by the spaces available. The need for the Covid pass and the departure date have also been confirmed: next June 15th. In the live broadcast held at 11.00 on the INSTAGRAM channel of the Associazione Insieme per il Wedding Maria Spena deputy for the right party Forza Italia: she answers the questions formulated by Stefania Vismara, questions from all the operators and spouses who are waiting
“Our association immediately chose to give a voice only and directly to the political figures who are close to the sector and who, at the same time, are directly spokespersons for true news. In fact, all the news reported by us were never, in fact, denied and this makes us proud”says the President of the Association. Let’s now answer the questions posed by the members of the Association Together for the Wedding:
Limitations of presence in the premises indoors? WHAT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TABLES? 2 METERS For adjacent tables, considering the size of the chairs, the minimum distance (between the tables) must be at least 2 meters (0.5 + 0.5 + 1m), considering the passage of the administration service staff. However, it is advisable to ensure a distance of 2.5 meters where possible. The tables must guarantee interpersonal spacing of at least 1 meter. The distance between the tables is essential to identify the maximum number of guests, which will depend precisely on the number of tables that can be organized taking into account the prescribed distance. Limitations of presence outdoors? None. Obviously it depends on the spaces. What does Covid pass or green certificate consist of?
THE OBLIGATION OF THE GREEN CERTIFICATE PERSISTS But what is the Covid pass? It is the necessary and indispensable documentation to be able to participate in the Event, i.e. the certificate attesting to having been vaccinated at least with the first dose but beyond the previous 15 days or with the double dose, or to be cured of COVID, having swabbed in the previous 48 hours. All the guests, including the bride and groom, must have it.
The obligation of the Covid manager for every 50 guests (a figure that our Association has never presented in its protocols) has been lifted. It’s true? Yes, this obligation has been lifted. It is not necessary to collect the documentation of those who will be present beforehand in the planning phase, so it should not be provided to the structure where the ceremony takes place? It seems not, we will have certain confirmation with the written CTS but it seems that it is enough to have the document certifying what is requested in your pocket. Is it still necessary to keep the list of those present for the following 14 days? Absolutely yes. There is an obligation to detect the temperature and stop for those over 37.5, right? Absolutely yes.
THE MASK ALSO FOR THE WEDDING AND STAFF? And spouses are also required to wear a mask indoors (when they are not sitting at the table) and outdoors (if it is not possible to respect the distance of at least 1 meter). The service personnel in contact with guests must use the mask and must carry out frequent hand hygiene with sanitizing products. Guests may not wear the surgical mask in cases of removal from their table (go to the bathroom, the bar, etc.) provided they respect the interpersonal distance of 1 meter in the case of non-cohabiting subjects.
Is Buffet mode allowed? YES TO THE BUFFET, BUT NOT SELF-SERVICE The classic, self-service buffet is not allowed. It is possible, however, to organize a buffet mode through administration by the staff in charge, excluding the possibility for guests to touch what is exposed. The self-service mode can possibly be allowed for buffets made exclusively with single-dose packaged products. Strictly avoiding gatherings.
Photographers must wear the surgical mask if they are at an interpersonal distance of less than 1 meter from the guests (and the bride and groom). THREE METERS DISTANCE FOR MUSICAL GROUPS Musical groups must distance themselves from the public by at least 3 meters, if they are not equipped with antidroplet barriers near the microphone. They will have to wear the surgical mask only if they have to move to the internal common areas (go to the bathroom, to the bar, etc.). Particular attention and / or suitable disposable device must be used in the use of the microphone, if not strictly personal use. Shows and / or artistic performances of any kind are allowed as long as the interpersonal distance of one meter can always be respected.
FREE GO TO THE DANCES Outside you can dance. Inside the venue, on the other hand, events with dancing in interior spaces will be organized with predefined times, guaranteeing a per capita surface area of 2 square meters, enhancing the air exchange of the premises. The dancing breaks, however, cannot exceed 15 minutes.
THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENTS Wedding parties generally end with the distribution of wedding favors. It will not be possible, as was the case in the past, to take the favor from a common table at the exit of the venue. The bride and groom will have to deliver it to the guests after using hand sanitizers. Finally, the three hottest questions that the Together for Wedding Association, thanks to the concrete help of the interlocutors, HAS ALWAYS GIVEN CORRECT INFOsays Stefania Vismara, President of the Association, on all social channels: Do the same rules as indicated above also apply in the white zone and are they valid for other zones? ABSOLUTELY YES! So the rules are independent of the color of the region? THE PROTOCOL PROVIDED FOR CEREMONIES REGARDLESS OF THE COLOR OF THE REGIONS. Is a salivary swab enough for minors under the age of sixteen? IT IS CONFIRMED THAT UNDER TWO YEARS THERE IS NO NEED FOR Tampon. As for the salivary swab for the age group up to 16 years, it remains in force as for adults. We are working to make the salivary swab legitimate too, but we must also check the possibility of being able to do it in the pharmacy. This is not possible at the moment but we are working on it, says Maria Spena. The information given is consistent with the directives issued during the live broadcast. It was officially published in the hands of the deputy, the Honorable Maria Spena