Impact of the Corona Virus crisis on wedding BUSINESS in Friuli Venezia Giulia
In Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG), according to the latest available data, 3,366 weddings were celebrated in 2018. One out of three (1,126) celebrated with a religious rite and two out of three (2,240) civil rite. The tradition to get married has been falling sharply in recent decades: in 2004 there were 4,468 wedding ceremonies in our region; in about fifteen years one out of four marriages have been lost (-24.7%).
In addition to the long negative trend period everything dealing with wedding ceremonies, the so-called “wedding”, in 2020 had a drop close to 90%, due to the numerous postponements of ceremonies at better times. It should also be added that the celebrations were certainly less lavish than the past years, also due to the constraints imposed by the law on the number of guests and other related limitations to the social distacing. For the above mentioned reasons the income made by “wedding” companies in 2020 will be almost zero in Friuli Venezia Giulia, as in the rest of Italy.
The wedding supply chain includes tailoring for wedding and ceremony dresses/suits- to which they are added other fashion companies for the clothes of witnesses, relatives and guests -, artisan shoe factories, florists, photographers, videomakers, printers, catering and restaurant services (including chef and waiters), pastry shops for wedding cakes and sugared almonds ror wedding bon bon, hairdressers, beauticians, jewelers for wedding rings, the production of wedding favors, service, set-ups, event agencies, weddings planners, vintage and luxury car rentals, travel agencies, residence rentals and reception rooms, restaurants, pubs, discos, musicians, show agencies and much more. In this work, we pay attention on t the wedding supply chain like fashion industry, communication, art, well-being/fitness and nutrition. The artisan enterprises active in Friuli Venezia Giulia at the end of September in 2020 are 3,814 with 8,263 employees.
Health emergency will not end by mid-2021. That means 13% of these artisan businesses belonging to wedding supply chain are at risk of closure, with peaks of 25%, or one in four, for the fashion and artistic sectors.
The data are from the XXIX Economic Economic Situation Survey province of Udine, carried out in July-August 2020/XXIX Indagine sulla Congiuntura dell’Artigianato in provincia di Udine.
Territorial details: 3,814 wedding artisan companies: companies in the province of Udine potentially damaged are 1,799 (with 3,803 employees), 1,034 in Pordenone (2,228 employees), Trieste and Gorizia respectively 601 (1,421 employees) and 380 (811 employees).
Sectoral situation: the businesses with more involvment on wedding ceremonies as the fashion sector (tailor-made clothes and shoes with 234 companies artisans and 333 employees), photographers (244 companies, 378 employees), printers (201 companies and 589 employees) and packaging of wedding favors and floral deco (64 companies with 101 employees).
Report 29-2020
Ufficio Studi Confartigianato-Imprese Udine, via del Pozzo 8, 33100 Udine
http://www.confartigianatoudine.com/associazione/studi-e-statistiche ufficiostudi @uaf.it @ConfartiUdine