Stefano & Sara
The Archetipo Team had the pleasure to interview Matthias & Nadège, one of the ten finalist couples of Archetipo’s “Brides & Grooms” 2013 Photo Contest.
We congratulate the newlyweds from Italy for getting to the final stage of the contest, and we invite all the readers of Archetipo Blog to read their special love story…
Where and when did you meet?
Stefano: “On the 02/03/01. On such a date we couldn’t begin but something really strong and important. We met in a small pub in our town, through mutual friends who introduced us to each other. Back then we were just kids…”
Tell us about your first date or meeting…
Stefano: “Between one look and the other, between laughters and smiles we first kissed … It was love at first sight!”
What was the first thing you thought about the other?
Sara: “He’s my prince! Elegant, caring and romantic. I can trust him!”
Stefano: “What a beautiful girl, smart, original and with two eyes to get lost in …”
And today? What do you think about the other?
Sara: “Stefano is my other half, with you every day is always different, life is more surprising. I want to grow old with you!”
Stefano: “Sarah, you continue to be part of me and together we have visited distant countries and met different cultures, but sharing with you our everyday life is the most beautiful adventure.”
What’s in your immediate future plans?
Stefano: “Sushi tonight? Just kidding… Sara’s PhD and then the dream of building a family together… Sushi tonight? Just kidding… Sara’s PhD and then the dream of building a family together… “
Dedicate each other a love sentence…
Sara: “Stefano, you are my life! My prince! You are part of me and I want to be with you for ever. I love you!”
Stefano: “Shall our love be like the lilies in the fields, which will get old over time but nobody will ever spoil their poetry.”
Will Stefano & Sara be the winners of the contest?
If you enjoy their pictures “like” them on Facebook too!
Follow Archetipo’s official Facebook page, we’ll keep you posted on all the news from the contest.