How is mada a Cleofe Finati jacket

How is mada a Cleofe Finati jacket

The base for a men’s jacket that defines a quality wedding suit, starts from the interior, so from the fabrics that compose it. So to look “beautiful” outside, a man’s jacket must be primarily inside.
We discover together all the fabrics that characterize the quality of the Cleofe Finati men’s jacket.

There are a number of fabrics that characterize a Cleofe Finati man’s jacket: first there is the sticker that needs to be soft, it tells the quality of the fabric of the jacket, follows the light camel, the heavy camel and the flannel, which compose the plastron, which is the set of all the fabrics that make a jacket inside.
This is a key element because it is the base of the jacket. Moreover, the more natural is the fabrics, the more durable the jacket will be.
One last fabric is the melton (English term) used in the back of the jacket, so called melton, depending on the melton quality the neck has an optimal lap or less.
One last feature is to go to the bottom of the jacket and see the point, if there are stitches (stromber) this means that the man’s jacket is a high-level jacket in the manufactory.

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