Flowness JA: the press conference
On April 14 at 19:00 at the Astoria Hotel Italy Udine, was presented a young and very important initiative for all high school students.
We are talking about Flowness JA, the company of students from the Liceo C. Percoto of Udine born thanks to the entrepreneurship education program of Junior Achievement Enterprise in action, with the support of Friuli Innovazione and the collaboration of the entrepreneur Stefania Vismara of Archetipo Srl , a leader company in fashion groom and ceremony.
Stefania Vismara, G.M. of ARCHETIPO Srl company, is in fact mentor and expert in voluntary enterprise for Flowness JA, who accompanied the students in the effective implementation of the project, because, she says that “it is important to give to the younger generations the opportunities to grow up in comparison with the business realities “.
The opening speech at the press conference Flowness JA, supported by Stefania Vismara was crucial to introduce the uniqueness and the importance of the initiative, “united in the knowledge that you can enrich the school and affect the future of young people only through a concrete and lasting commitment” said the GM of Archetipo Srl.
All this was also supported by Junior Achievement, the largest non-profit organization dedicated to the world economic and entrepreneurial education in schools, in 122 countries bringing together more than 450,000 corporate volunteers from all professional sectors and, with them, it reaches more than 10 million students in the world.
Impresa in Azione is the entrepreneurial education teaching program developed and promoted in Italian schools by Junior Achievement and is the unique experience in our country that allows you to enrich the learning process through participation in initiatives, events, competitions of international character, together in Friuli Innovazione, a center for research and technology transfer that is in the Digital technology District.
“For almost a century,” says Elena Piccinato, Enterprise Developer of Friuli Innovazione, “we assume an active role to renew education and the dissemination in schools of all levels educational initiatives that accompany the youth in their most important decisions, infusing awareness, courage, spirit of innovation, the management of their educational and professional careers, the savings and investment planning, to business opportunities. Since 2002, in Italy, we have built a network of business professionals, foundations and institutions, educators and teachers, according to the logic of social responsibility and volunteerism, providing tools and concrete, practical teaching methods.
Impresa In azione by Junior Achievement gives students between 16 and 19 years from all over Italy the opportunity to take part in a stimulating experience of business training as deemed by the European Commission high school, the most effective long-term educational strategy for growth and ’employability of young people. ” From the school year 2015/2016, in addition, this program is accredited among the school-work pathways officially proposed by the Ministry of Education.
“The experience is developed through a comprehensive series of activities that allow real way to experience through the methodology of mini-company students the functioning of a company,” says Elena Piccinato, “in particular, in the course of a year school students “: · identify a business idea and assess the feasibility; · Carry out market surveys; · Collect money (capital) through the sale of shares; · Implement a business plan; · Concretely develop a product or service; · Evaluate the opportunity to protect their idea; · Depositing a patent; · Sell and promote their products; · Managing corporate accounting.At the end of the entrepreneurial experience, classes have the opportunity to participate in local competitions, national and European who select the best companies. This allows students to effectively interpret their role as “manager”, interact with the real market to be valued and recognized as such cate juries of professionals. The same competitions are also held in international and allow comparisons with other schools across Europe.
Helena Finati, Aurora Toffanin and Victoria Conti, are the three young businesswomen of Flowness JA, that during the press conference told with enthusiasm their entrepreneurial and business experience along with the 3DL class C.Percoto Lyceum of Udine, affirming the importance of ‘economic and entrepreneurial education, thus sending a clear message to keep young being and the soul, through a must accessory that allows you to express your personality with elegance and simplicity, allowing uniqueness and excellence.
The papillon Flowness, in fact, are made with 100% Italian silk, coming from Como – the heart of the silk in Italy. “This preserves the tradition and Provides an excellent quality product,” says Helena Finati.
The conference comes to an end with the intervention of Gabriella Zanocco, Head teacher of the C. Percoto High School Institute for a consideration of the importance of the relationship school/work, and Paolo Trentin, Professor of C.Percoto Lyceum of Udine, who expressed the importance cin this experience as professor and mentor of 3DL class.
The entrepreneurial project will therefore be included among the possible paths to effectively combat youth unemployment.
“There is an absolute need to give voice to this opportunity for all the young generation, if we do it together, it’s easier to be successful,” says Stefania Vismara, calling on all companies and entrepreneurs present at the press conference to marry the project for future.